Saturday, October 4, 2008

Ivy finds happiness!

Hi everyone!


I just wanted to thank you for taking such good care of me :)  I am living in Bothell now and I like it.  My new owners are  just thrilled with me as much as I am to have a new home - I liked my "little condo" at your place but it is  much nicer to have more room.  I had such good care with you and got a "A +" from the vet at Bothell Pet Hospital when I went in for my 1 week "well kitty check up".


I am getting lots of tummy rubs and have  big bed to sleep in though sometimes it's crowded with my owners there especially at night time.......but during the day I get it all to my self :)  It's o.k. - I don't mind sharing........  I am doing well and have lots of new places to explore in the house as you can see.


I miss you and hope that all the other cats and dogs will be as lucky as me to find a good home.


Thanks so much for all your wonderful care.






 p.s.  Thanks everyone - I'm just thrilled with Ivy - she is just a love and everyone who has come in contact with her  - totally agrees - 


Kathy :)




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