Sunday, December 1, 2013

Lunar (now Assam)

His name was Lunar to you, but we did end up changing his name. Meet Assam, named after a favorite tea of ours, known "for its body, briskness, malty flavor, and strong, bright color." We felt it fit our puppy perfectly. :) 

While we could do without his love of leaf-eating and gum-hunting, his favorite activities include fetching, long walks, making sure we're cooking good things in the kitchen, and curling up in our laps after a long day.
Hopefully we can continue to update you periodically as time goes on...if some of his siblings families are interested or curious, please feel free to share these photos/videos and our email address.
Lesli and Umang

**If any adopters of Assam's littermates would like to get in touch with Lesli and Umang, please send an email to and I will pass the message along to them!**

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