Thursday, July 16, 2009

Joey finds happiness



Hello all,
Thank you for all your help in uniting Joey to our family. He is doing well and is enjoying himself.
When I took him home on Saturday night, I put him in a second bedroom and let him hang out and relax after his stressfull journey home.
I spent some time in there with him, and after a while he came out from under the bed and looked out the window.
I had to go to a friend's dinner, and when I got back at 10, he was ready to go explore around the house, knowing that my dog, Woody, was out there. Woody behaved himself and held back and let Joey wander.
Joey slept with me that night, taking all the snuggles and rubs he could get. When we all woke in the morning, I was petting Woody and giving him loves, then Joey decided to join in and gave Woody full face to face rubs! Then Woody managed to get a good snif and was satisfied with this cat in his home.
Joey has found his litterbox and used it last night some time. He has eaten his food and even taken a liking to Woody's food (we will be consulting the Vet about that tomorrow...). He keeps talking to me, whenever I am active around the house. I think he wants to go outside, but I am not willing to go there yet. He has multiple windows around the house that he can get a good look outside.
Anytime I sit down, Joey is there and happy to get more loves. He seems to be fitting in well, and only hid when I got out the vaccuum (he was fine until I got a little too close).
He doesn't seem to be interested in any of the scratching things I bought for him and has no interest in cat nip. He would rather be pet and rubbed.
If you have any suggestions why he might be talking to me, please let me know. He has food, water, toys (we REALLY like the feather wand), litterbox and naps. I can't imagine what else he wants, besides outside.
Thank you so much!

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