Thursday, July 3, 2008

2 very lucky kittens!



Dear everyone at Homeward,
I wanted to thank you again for the gift of two wonderful kittens! They've really brightened up our home and have been such a joy to have.
Metro (aka Johnny) and Joanie (aka Lulu) are thriving here and have made friends with both of our dogs, prefering our black lab, Stout, in particular. He has taken it upon himself to make sure they don't get into too much mischief.
Metro is quite the explorer and enjoys helping me write emails and keeps my keyboard warm when I'm not using it... his little motor earned him his name, as our family is very fond of Parisian life.
Joanie, my little sweetie, is quieter than her brother, but always snuggles up to me when I'm sitting on my bed. She seems to dominate her brother and always leads the charge around the house, so Joanie, or Joan of Arc, seemed appropriate for her. She also enjoys helping me with my laundry.
They are so sweet and I'm very thankful of all your help when my mom and I came down to look at them!
Thanks again!

Chelsea (And Metro and Joanie)

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