Friday, January 4, 2013

Joey (formerly Clive)

I wanted to send a couple pictures and let you know how well Clive now Joey is doing.   First I want to thank you for the excellant advice you gave me on introducing Joey to my resident cat Stella.  Joey spent his first two weeks here in the den.  He hid a lot but slowly started coming out to eat while I was in the room and bond with me and play.

His first introductions with Stella were thru a mostly closed door.   He slowly started coming out into the rest of my home and eventually wanted out all the time.  He and Stella were soon sniffing noses, sleeping on the same bed and chasing each other up and down the hall.  The play sometimes gets rough but they seem very well matched, no one is more aggressive than the other.

I know that Stella is happy to have a pal around and Joey seems very content.   He is adorable and has a great personality.  He talks all the time. 

Thanks again for all the help I received from the Homeward Pet staff and all that you do for these wonderful animals.  This looks like a very sucessful adoption!

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