Good morning from The Nelson Family + Leonidas,
We wanted to express our appreciation for your help in adopting Leonidas. Within the first hour of his arrival, he found the litter box, the kibble dish, the water dish and staked his claim on his favorite sleeping spot. That spot happens to be my ample abdomen. He purrs like a ship’s diesel engine which compliments my snoring, so says the good wife.
After a few days with us, I noticed him sharpening the claws on a table leg. I found a good sized fire log and it is now his favorite scratching spot. Our couch is safe again.
Our neighbors across the way have a pair of Persian cats that sit on their fence. Leonidas can see them from the window and is plotting. We can see it in his eyes. He found a small helmet somewhere. Clever cat.
Thanks again for all your fine work.
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